With almost a million people, the Gullah/Geechee Nation is one of the largest subcultures within the United States. This little-known indigenous group are descendants of the first African slaves and inhabit the Sea Islands off the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida. In an interview in PATIENT SAFETY, their chieftess and head-of-state,Read More →

BH365, LLC and Urban One, Inc. announced the release of Black History 365: An Inclusive Account of American History (BH365). The K-12 curriculum provides a comprehensive review of Black history and is designed to fill in the gaps left in many standard history textbooks. Urban One, Inc. Founder and ChairwomanRead More →

Innovation For Equity, Inc. (IFE), a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting innovative ways to improve life outcomes for Black learners of all ages, will bring its third annual summer summit online this year, offering a timely series of interactive virtual events that will explore ways to address the challenges facingRead More →