Walmart Makes a Move to Support Breastfeeding- Thanks to Employee

According to GMA a Tennille Webb, a mother of a toddler, who just returned to work from was inspired by a breastfeeding pod at an airport in her business travel for her position at Walmart. Pods can be found in airports, malls and some hospitals to provide a private place for mothers who wish to feed their children in public places.  Walmart is announcing plans to place breastfeeding pods in 100 more stores, with the hope of placing pods in nearly all of its U.S. stores in the coming years.

“The scope of the impact that this can have for our associates and customers makes this a really exciting development, ” Says Webb. This news comes in the middle of Black Breastfeeding Week which is celebrated annually to uphold breastfeeding within the Black experience. This years Black Breastfeeding week is taking place from August 25-31 2020. You can learn more about events near you a